
Calcium supplements for children

Calcium supplementation is an old problem, but do you really want to give calcium to your baby? The following are the three most common minefields for calcium supplementation in children. Mothers must keep in mind and do not mistake it.

One of the calcium supplementation mines: "Is it a drug poison?"


Today, there are a wide variety of calcium supplements on the market, ranging from pure calcium products to complex calcium supplements that include both health and functional foods as well as OTC drugs. How should parents correctly choose?

Some parents firmly believe that "it is a drug three-point poison," and are reluctant to choose drugs, and turned their attention to health products, functional foods. However, these two are not so beautiful. The former can only play the role of health care and adjuvant treatment, and it can't achieve the effect of prevention and treatment at all. The latter lacks management. In comparison, pharmaceutical production must not only be carried out under the approval of the State Food and Drug Administration, but also pass various tests prior to listing, which is more secure and scientific. It has control efficacy, and it will definitely indicate indications and adverse reactions. Therefore, it is recommended that you look for OTC (non-prescription drug) signs when selecting calcium.

Calcium supplementation in minefield 2: Liquid calcium is more conducive to absorption?

When choosing nutrition products for your baby, be cautious, and don’t be too inconvenient. It is best for your baby, and the same is true for calcium supplements. Many mothers believe that since liquids are more easily absorbed by babies, the calcium absorption rate of liquid calcium should also be higher, but this is not the case.

In fact, the absorption rate of calcium also varies from person to person. No matter what kind of calcium, enter the human body must first pass the role of gastric acid to be absorbed by the intestine. Baby's delicate stomach, calcium source selection is critical. At present, the main sources of calcium are inorganic calcium and organic calcium, which are dominated by calcium carbonate and calcium gluconate. Although the former has high calcium content, it is strong in alkalinity and has a high requirement for the quality of gastric acid and secretion of gastric acid. If it cannot be achieved, it will not only affect absorption but also cause discomfort such as constipation, bloating, and belching. Calcium gluconate does not cause such problems. Although its calcium content is slightly lower, it is highly soluble, and it has a low requirement for baby's gastrointestinal digestibility. It is very suitable for babies whose young gastrointestinal function is not yet well developed.

Calcium minefield three: only calcium, no vitamin D!

Experts said that if you simply add calcium, the result is likely to be less effective. This is because the absorption rate of calcium in the human body is far less than we thought. If only supplementation is not absorbed, then the child will not be able to make up for more calcium. It is only a "viral supplement."

Experts suggest that calcium supplements should be supplemented with vitamin D that promotes calcium absorption. In addition to vitamin D2, it also contains vitamin C, vitamin B1 and B2, which perfectly builds the golden triangle of nutrition for children. It also improves the growth, vitality, and resistance of children while supplementing calcium, and it can also resist fatigue.


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