
Delphinium - "Pretty Woman" in the Garden

Delphinium, also known as Thousand-grass, Delphinium, is a biennial herbaceous flower of the genus Delphinium. Delphinium plant type tall and straight, plant height 30 cm to 100 cm, some plant height up to 120 cm. The stems and leaves are sparsely villous, and the leaves are palmate-like to full-crack, and the lobes are linear; the base leaves are long-stalked and the upper leaves are sessile. The inflorescence of delphinium is the terminal racemes or spikes. The florets have a diameter of about 2.5 cm to 4.0 cm. The external bracts are also petaloid. The outermost one is elongated and narrowly elliptic. The flowering period of Delphinium is from June to September. Its flowers are rich in colors, such as blue, light blue, white, pink, and meat powder. Most varieties also have eye spots on the petals. At present, garden technicians have cultivated many hybrid species, such as the beautiful Delphinium, the high-leaf swallow grass, the large flower delphinium, etc. Not only are the flowers more abundant, but also there are many changes in the pattern, making the family of Delphinium grow.

The wild species of delphinium are mainly produced in the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere. They prefer sunny, well-ventilated and well-drained growth environments. They should be grown on fertile sandy soils rich in organic matter. Its cold resistance and drought tolerance are relatively strong, but it is not resistant to high temperatures. Therefore, in high temperature areas in summer, it should be moved to a cool place for cultivation. Delphinium prefers a cool climate, with the optimum temperature during the day being 20°C to 25°C and nighttime temperature of 13°C to 15°C. Before the flowering, apply topdressing nitrogen fertilizer and start applying phosphorus and potassium fertilizers after flowering. The inflorescences of Delphinium spp., which is used for cut flower cultivation, are tall, so care should be taken to prevent the lodging of the plants, and the nets can be fixed between the plants to prevent lodging. Delphinium is most afraid of flooding, so it is necessary to pay attention to drainage in rainy days. Due to the inconsistent fruit ripening period of delphinium, and natural cracking after ripening, the seeds are easily lost, so they should be harvested in time.

Delphinium can be bred by ramets, cuttings or sowing. The suitable temperature for seed germination is about 15°C, and the soil temperature needs to be kept below 2O°C. It usually germinates about two weeks after sowing. Autumn sowing is selected from late August to early September. Seeds will be sowed in open seedbeds. Before winter, the seedlings will be moved to the cold bed or cold room for winter, until the spring weather turns warm and then moved to outdoor planting. In the southern region, it can also be broadcast live in open field during the early spring period. After emergence, the seedlings will be planted and the seedling distance will be kept between 25 cm and 50 cm. Normal seedlings can grow when they grow 4 to 7 true leaves. Cutting propagation is generally selected in the spring. When the new shoot grows more than l5 centimeters, cut the cuttings and insert them into the sand. The propagation of springs can be carried out in spring and autumn.

Feiyan Grassland produced China and Northwestern Asia, and its horticulture and domestication began in the 17th century. With the characteristics of tall plants, leafy leaves, rich inflorescences, and dense flowers, it has become a “pretty woman” in European gardens and has been used extensively in gardens. At present, Delphinium has been cultivated in various provinces in China, even in Hebei and other places there are wild species of Delphinium. In vigorously promoting the trend of landscaping and landscaping using native flowers, we believe that this beautiful flower will be used more widely.

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