
Eat 6 kinds of foods easily get stomach cancer

Diet has a lot to do with stomach cancer, and eating too much food can cause stomach cancer! So what's easy to get stomach cancer? If you eat six kinds of food for a long time, you have a greater chance of getting stomach cancer than you do not eat. What to eat in the end easy to get stomach cancer? Here's your secret.

What to eat stomach cancer?

1, eat smoked barbecue

In 1933, benzopyrene was identified as a strong carcinogen. According to epidemiological surveys, the incidence of gastric cancer in Iceland is high, which is directly related to their frequent eating of smoked meat. In order to fundamentally prevent benzopyrene from contaminating food, it is recommended to eat as little as possible smoked and baked foods such as bacon, smoked fish, sausages, grilled meat, grilled fish, and shish kebabs in order to reduce gastric cancer in daily life. The incidence rate.


2, excessive salt

If excessive intake of salt, not only lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney disease and cerebral thrombosis, but also susceptible to gastric cancer. Erola Botu of the World Health Organization has studied the differences between the cancers in the south and north of Japan and believes that salt consumption is related to the occurrence of gastric cancer. A certain county in Shandong Province is a high-risk area of ​​gastric cancer in China. The residents of the county generally eat pickles. The average daily intake of pickles is 96%, and the average daily intake of salt is as high as 46 grams. High-salt diet induced gastric cancer is mainly salt will damage the gastric mucosa, promote cell shrinkage on the stomach wall, which can easily lead to cancer.

3, eat mild food

Mildew in food is caused by contaminated mold. Some molds are toxin-producing fungi. They are strong carcinogens. Some foods produce large amounts of nitrites and secondary amines under the action of toxigenic fungi, which can be found in the stomach. Can synthesize nitrosamines and cause cancer.

4, fat and thick too tired

The plump and greasy products of traditional Chinese medicine are sweet and greasy foods. Judging from clinical studies, sweet foods, namely starchy and sugary foods, cause excessive intake of excessively high levels of gastric cancer. Excessive intake of high-fat foods such as fatty meats and oils can promote breast cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer, and pancreatic cancer. .

5, long-term consumption of salted foods

Pickles contain a large amount of nitrites and secondary amines, which can synthesize nitrosamines in the stomach under the action of suitable acidity or bacteria. Such compounds are very potent carcinogens.

6, eat a lot of soy sauce

According to Japanese experiments, soy sauce contains three kinds of substances such as e.g., amythasamine. When it meets the nitric acid contained in human saliva, it reacts to produce carcinogenic substances with abrupt variability. For example, Japanese people have more stomach cancer because of the large amount of soy sauce that Japanese people consume in their lives. Catamine is a substance produced by the fermentation of amino acids in the raw material of soy sauce. It contains 1-2 mg of catechin per 1 ml of soy sauce. Please use proper amount of soy sauce in your daily life.

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