
Reason for the air in the diesel fuel injection pump and its preclusion

Diesel fuel injection pump and the oil connected to the formation of a sealed circuit, when the original body of air, the diesel should not be on the oil and stop working. At this time, the driver should first check the tank of diesel oil inventory, whether it ran out, into the throat tubing is to leave the oil surface; the second is to check the fuel tank outlet is blocked, resulting in the formation of vacuum negative pressure oil can not, and then Release the pump in the deflation screw loose, hand pump oil, if there is a large number of bubbles or foam appears, and feel unpleasant fuel supply, indicating low-pressure oil is blocked, then you should check the coarse and fine diesel oil filter Cleaner is clogged, tubing is cracked, deflated deflated; the tubing joints gasket was forgotten to install, or gaskets have been damaged, resulting in leakage or intake.

When the hand pump oil, feel the fuel supply is smooth, but no pressure, mainly due to the fuel pump on the relief valve relief or fatigue spring deformation, ball wear or dirty pad and sealing lax , So that low-pressure oil pressure is too low caused by insufficient fuel injection pump. Check the relief valve relief valve seal effect, blocked by hand into the mouth of the mouth blowing, blowing can not move as normal, otherwise the seal is not strict, hand pump oil, tighten the handle should feel elastic, pressure When relaxed or release the handle automatically return.

For the old-fashioned hand pump should also check the fuel pump inlet pipe to the tank between the oil is blocked, if most of the jam is due to the oil inlet filter below the filter is blocked by dirt or gasket damage. Pump oil by hand pump, the shaft handle feel no suction, press the handle, the feeling of resistance is large, mainly to the oil pump pump to the oil blockage. Mostly due to the injection pump screw into the oil and overflow valve installed anti-pump valve in the anti-back anti-wear or even over, hand pump rubber seals aging damage and other reasons.

Such as the injector on the back of a large number of bubbles appear bubble, which is mainly due to a cylinder nozzle coupling stuck in the open position, the cylinder of high-pressure gas to the injection pump body. Remove the end of the oil return pipe connecting the oil filter, block the filter back to the oil port, the bubble disappears, indicating that the fault in the injector, and then find which cylinder injector coupling stuck, to be excluded.

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