
This boudoir lingerie shop lit

Many people know that the girl is a lot of franchisees, investors favor the franchise brand, because of the market, welcomed by consumers, so the number of boudoir stores to increase faster and faster, and recently, this in April 15 opened secret boudoir lingerie to join the shop had the ignition, opened six days over 30,000 results!

Speaking of this boudoir underwear franchise stores, a bit legendary, it had to talk about from the owner.


Owner Miss Lee has done before the sale of a number of underwear stores, in an accidental opportunity to get acquainted with the friends in the work of girlfriends, has been in contact since. In two years of contact, Miss Wu has also been observed and analyzed the situation of the brand, because she has always had their own plans to open a underwear shop, so in the past two years are also examining other underwear brands .

After two years of careful investigation, understanding, Miss Lee in a large number of underwear brands, the service policy is the most satisfied with the girl's, recognized her thinking to the franchisee her intimate, patient, thoughtful, not like The same brand of 忽悠 people, from the shop location, decoration, display of goods, event planning, post-operation maintenance, professional training and other aspects of the service are in place, and joining the policy for her entrepreneurs such as also more advantages , Is looking for joining their own brand, so in the heart identified the boudoir, decided to open a boudoir underwear franchise. Miss Li after careful consideration of the decision to get her husband Mr Ho's support, the two saved enough money, they immediately found the friend who works in the blog, very cheerfully signed with the girl.


In fact, this is located in Shenzhen boudoir underwear shop location is not superior, but the decoration style has a stylish range of children's atmosphere, the consumer is still very attractive. And after the signing, GuiHui headquarters also sent a professional teacher Miss Li couple conducted a systematic training, Miss Li did not understand the aspects of strengthening, plus Miss Lee also has some underwear sales experience, so the two business From the shop to quickly get started.

April 15 store opening, due to pre-publicity and opening scene atmosphere rendering, Miss Li's boudoir lingerie shop an endless stream, the transaction rate is very high, and the popularity has been opened for several days has been very prosperous, 6 days of sales of more than 30,000, such a performance to Miss Li couple a big surprise, they can not help but feel that the two years of study are worthwhile, but also very grateful to the company trained by their secretaries And help, to get their underwear shop opened so quickly, and have such a good performance.

Miss Li couple stores, boudoir company has always attached great importance to the recent plan to send someone to Miss Li's underwear shop inspection and understanding of their needs, and to give them further training, guidance and assistance. To do all the services for the franchisee, franchise business more and more prosperous, bigger and bigger, this is the desire to join, but also the wishes of the girlfriend.

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