
Black pepper leaf spot prevention measures

First, the symptoms

When the pepper fruit matures, dark green spots appear on the diseased fruit. In case of rainy weather, the whole fruit rots rapidly except for the epidermis; oil-like lesions form in dry conditions, and the size is about 23 cm or more. It gradually turns brown, with obvious bacterial necrosis, and the diseased part is often invaded by Alternaria spp. It is easy to mistaken for the original pathogen. The disease is heavier in Inner Mongolia, especially for farming.

Second, transmission routes and conditions

Overwintering on diseased fruit or seeds that have fallen off in the field becomes a source of infection for the disease. It spreads by irrigation water during the growing season, and it facilitates the spread of the disease after the rain. The high temperature and rainy season spread quickly from July to August and the temperature drops after September. Disease expansion stagnated.

Third, control methods

(a) Physical control

1, with non-sweet (spicy) pepper, cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables 2-3 year rotation.

2. The land should be leveled and the northern area should be used for farming and the south should be planted with high planted and deep ditch. Drain the water immediately after the rain to prevent accumulation of water and flood irrigation.

3, seed disinfection, before sowing with a seed weight of 0.3% of the 50% citrate copper WP wettable powder or 50% dexcone wettable powder dressing.

4. Remove the diseased body or promptly deepen it after harvest.

(II) Chemical control

In the early stage of onset of spraying, 50% ceric chloride copper WP wettable powder 500 times, 27% copper noble suspension 600 times, 53.8% can kill 2000 dry suspension 1000 times, 1:1:200 times Bordeaux Liquid or 72% agricultural streptomycin sulfate soluble powder or streptomycin sulfate 4000 times, 47% Garnett WP 800-1000 times, 30% basic copper sulphate (Green Defence) 400 times liquid suspension , Every 7-10 days, continuous prevention and treatment 2-3 times. Stop the medication 3 days before harvesting.

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Fresh Black Eggplant

Fresh Eggplant

Fresh Eggplant,Fresh Black Eggplant,Varieties Fresh Eggplant,Fresh Organic Eggplant

Jining Sunagro Trade Co., Ltd. , http://www.sunagro-food.com

