
Early Hybrid High-yielding Cultivation Technique of Muskmelon

The early hybrid No. 1 shredded gourd is a new generation of hybrid gourd loofah selected and bred by Xianning Vegetable Science and Technology Center in Hubei Province. It has the characteristics of early maturity, high yield, high quality, and good commercial quality. It has been in the city of Dongxihu, Hongshan, Jiangxia, etc. The area was widely promoted and was listed on the market in mid-April, which made the market time for loofah in Wuhan more than 20 days ahead of schedule. According to the characteristic characteristics of early hybrid loofah, vegetable growers also concluded a set of early-maturing high-yielding cultivation techniques, which are described below.

1 Timely planting and cultivation of strong seedlings

1 Sowing period Planting in Wuhan is usually planted in January-February. According to the 8cm8cm nutrient bowl, the ground wire is used to warm the seedlings. The open field cultivation can be planted in March. For every 667 square meters, the seed amount is about 200g.

2 Seed treatment Seeds soaked in warm water of 55°C for 15 minutes before sowing, then soaked in warm water of about 30°C for 2-3 hours (hours), and then soaked with 0.1% potassium permanganate for 30 minutes (minutes) ) Sterilize, rinse with water, and then germinate under the condition of 25-30 °C. Select the sunny seed after dew whitening.

3 Seedbed management The seedbed should be warmed for 2 days before sowing, so that the temperature of the bauxite can be stabilized above 15°C. Before sowing, use hot water to pour enough water, sow every 1-2 seeds of germinating seeds, cover with a small amount of nutritive soil, cover with a layer of plastic film to facilitate heat preservation and moisturizing, and cover small sheds, cover 1-2cm in time after emergence. Thick nutritious soil to prevent seedlings "cap". After seedling emergence, the seedbed temperature should be maintained at 20-28°C during the day and 15-18°C at night. During the day, the temperature should exceed 30°C. Ventilation should be carried out. When the temperature is too high at night, the coverage should be reduced to prevent sudden growth, and the temperature should be lower than 8°C. Things, or use lights, geothermal heating, to prevent freezing point of growth. During the nursery period, keep the seedbeds dry and wet. When the humidity is high, sprinkle some hay and ash, and use a spray bottle to spray water when it is dry. Loofah during the nursery period is at a low temperature and high humidity stage, easy to fall sick, it should be promptly sprayed with 64% antivirus 500 times. 7 days before planting, seedbeds should be ventilated to cool the seedlings and sprayed with 2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate, so that the melon seedlings reach the standards of deep green leaves, fine rhizomes, and strong root systems.

2 Apply base fertilizer, reasonably close planting

A soil preparation fertilizer loofah like deep sandy loam, deep plowing before winter, wind freeze aging. Precocious No. 1 meat loofah had high yield in the early stage. It should be combined with soil preparation 10 days before planting. Apply slag or human waste 2500kg per 667m2, cake fertilizer 100kg, and ternary compound fertilizer 50kg. Cultivation of greenhouses should be preceded by sheds, covering the mulch 3 days in advance to increase ground temperature.

2 dense planting early hybrid meat loofah to the main vine melon-based, suitable for close planting. From late February to mid-March, greenhouses were planted with 1.5m hatches. The open-planing scaffolds were planted with 2m hatches. Each row was planted with 2 rows and the plant spacing was 25-30cm. After planting, in order to increase the temperature of the shed, promote the easing of seedlings, tighten the shed film, and seal the small arch shed for 7 days. After easing the seedlings, open the shed for ventilation when the shed temperature exceeds 35°C in the daytime.

3 Field Management

1 Pruning and pruning When the plants spread, they should be scaffolded in time, and the greenhouse can be tied with vines. Close planting should be timely removal of lower side vines, upper side vines generally less and less, just cut off the excess male flowers and tendrils, remove the lack of fertilizer or pollination due to malformed fruit. When the price of loofah at the late stage is low, the plants are too dense and 2/3 of the plants can be removed to facilitate ventilation.

2 fertilizer and water management after the seedlings poured a thin dilute water to raise seedlings to promote the growth of new roots, about 250g per plant. The early hybrid No. 1 meat gourd grows vigorously, and the female flower rate is more than 78%. Therefore, the whole growth period is dominated by large fertilizer and water, and the harvest period is 1-2 times per harvest period. After about 7 days, one stool water should be chased. , And can apply three yuan compound fertilizer 25kg, urea 20kg, a total of 3-5 times, if it is found that the deformed fruit should be timely watering, keep the soil moist, prevent rain after the drought cracked fruit.

3 Baohuabaoguo Zaozao No. 1 meat loofah generally first open female flowers, coupled with low temperature in March and April, male flower pollen dysplasia, application of 50mg/la4 anti-dropping agent 10 20mg/l gibberellic acid spray, Paul Flowers and fruits.

4 Disease Prevention and Control Early hybrid No. 1 meat loofah is more resistant to diseases, and the pests include floorworms, yellowsake melons, and melons. Tigers can use small fresh vegetables plus 90% trichlorfon 0.5kg to a small amount of water and wet, in the evening on the side of the plant to kill; Huang Shougua 20% can be used to kill the pyrethroid 2000 times or use 21% to kill 2000 times Prevention, prevention and cure with 5% stuck 2000 times liquid.

4 Harvested early mixed meat female loofah No. 1 with low birthdate, the first female flower was born in the main vine section 6-8, the first melon should be harvested before about 100g, in order to facilitate the growth of the rear of the young melon Fruit placement with female flowers increases pre-production. The melons in the middle and later stages are generally harvested when the fruit shoulder hardens about 10 days after flowering. From April to July, the output is usually 5,000 kg per 667 square meters, and from the beginning of September to October, the top dressing will be watered, and the output will increase by more than 1,500 kg per 667 square meters.

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Yinchuan Qi Li Xiang Trading Co., Ltd. , https://www.welovegoji.com

