
Summer Sheep Precautions

First, pay attention to grazing methods. In hot summer, the sheep love to gather and eat enough. Morning grazing should be early as early as possible, generally only when the dew can dry out. From 11pm to 3pm, the sheep are allowed to rest in the circle to feed on the grass. In the afternoon, the sheep can be grazing at 7pm. In the hot days, grazing should be done in a shaded area to prevent heatstroke.

Second, pay attention to heat dry sheep. In summer, it is easy for sheep to get angry. Therefore, it is very important to dry sheep every day to ensure the health of the sheep. Graze the sheep at noon and don't rush to get into the sheepfold. Instead, let the sheep rest and drink in the shade. After grazing in the evening, the sheep can be allowed to dry for a period of time before entering the shed. Do not hurry to chase the sheep each time you are grazing and gathering. You should allow the sheep to walk slowly to cool the body.

Third, pay attention to wind and rain. Thunderstorms are more common in summer, and it is easy for a herd to be hit by a cold, a cold, or a fall if attacked. Therefore, summer grazing should be avoided as much as possible. In rainy weather, grazing can bring large pieces of cloth that cover the flock, allowing the sheep to temporarily shelter from the rain. In addition, avoid lightning and thunder when grazing on steep slopes to prevent sheep from being hurt.

Fourth, pay attention to salt water supply. When replenishing 1~2 times of mixed feed (dairy bran, cornmeal, bean cake, etc. plus rice bran, straw meal) every day, daily grazing sheep must drink 4~6 times of dilute salt water, and the amount of salt added can be 8 per sheep. ~10 grams to calculate.

Fifth, pay attention to environmental hygiene. Pay attention to the environmental sanitation, ventilation and moisture protection of the sheep house, keep the sheep house clean and dry, and do a good job of prevention and control of parasites such as sheep lice. Daily feeds and drinking water must be kept clean. Feeds and feeding utensils that do not feed mildew, spoilage, poison, and inclusions are often kept clean. Sheds and sports grounds should be cleaned regularly and disinfected regularly.

Six, pay attention to insecticide bath. In sheep or postpartum ewes, from mid-May to early June, aforetin (insect nemesis) can be used to drive off nematodes and other parasites such as ticks, cockroaches, cockroaches, and fly pupae. Afudin, a small bag (5 g), is usually fed into the feed for every 50 kg of body weight. Repeated dosing was repeated 7 to 10 days later, and no medicated bath was performed after the insects were repelled twice. Lambs born in the spring can be dewormed in the fall, and they must strictly control the dosage.

Seven, pay attention to disease prevention and treatment. Always pay attention to the sheep's mental state, appetite, and excrement, and pay special attention to the disease prevention and control of the lamb. When an infectious disease or suspected infectious disease occurs, it should be immediately quarantined and the veterinarian should be observed and treated in a timely manner. The corpse of the dead and dead sheep should be properly handled, buried or burned, so that the source of the disease can be cut off, and the epidemic can be controlled and extinguished in time.

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