
Breeding technology exchange 20

Customer problem: I raised two turtles. The big one had more than six months old. The young one had only four months old. The big turtles were too fat and the legs were rotten. Fungal, water quality related? How to deal with it?

Guan Yuan replied: The skeletons and skirts of the soft-shelled turtle that is bred from the “Crown Source” feed are relatively large, and the turtle is very beautiful. The customer’s turtle is too fat, probably because the amount of other substances added to the feed during the breeding process, such as fish oil and vegetable oil, is too large, resulting in too much fat in the soft-shelled turtle. The soft-shelled turtle looks too fat. In addition, when the turtle's legs appear rotten skin, we must first observe what is the characteristics of the wound at the rotten skin, if the position of the wound by the inside of the leg, and the depth of the wound is not deep, flat surface, you can basically determine the wound It is due to a fungal infection; if the wound is on the outside and the depth of the wound is deep and dotted, it is probably caused by the turtles biting each other.

Freeze Dried Black Goji Berry

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