
Can you drink it overnight? Can I drink overnight tea?

When you want to make tea in the morning, mom and dad always ask whether it is a new bubble tea or an overnight tea. You cannot drink it overnight. For Xiao Bian look up Baidu found that there is a great controversy about whether overnight dishes can drink, then in the end can not drink it? Let's learn about it together.

Can you drink it overnight?

Studies have shown that the main change in tea after the night is the further oxidation of tea polyphenols, the color deepens. A glass of clear, green tea, especially if it is left at a high temperature for a long time, will lose its greenness and increase its yellowness. This is the oxidation of tea polyphenols in tea water to form yellow red, red brown oxidation products, mainly theaflavins, thearubigins, and tea browns. These products are non-toxic and do not harm the human body. Wonderful reading: Overnight tea is an overstatement of the cancer

It has also been speculated that nitrosamines, which are carcinogens, will be produced after the tea leaves overnight. First of all, we should be sure that even if there are nitrosamines in tea, it is insignificant. Many of the foods we eat daily, such as bread, vegetables, pickles, salted fish, and bacon, contain nitrosamines and are much more abundant in tea. Now. It can't be seen no one eats food.

The content of nitrosamines per kilogram of meat products is 4 to 50 micrograms. It is not very terrible. Actually it is not because the body itself has the function of breaking down nitrosamines. Furthermore, nitrosamines can cause carcinogenesis if they absorb 100-2000 mg/kg of body weight, and they are continuously administered in large doses throughout the year. Normal food intake is not so harmful, and the amount of tea consumed is insignificant compared to the amount of food consumed.

Above we clearly know that overnight dishes can not drink. In fact, overnight dishes can be drunk, but experts generally recommend not to drink overnight tea. Why is this?


Three reasons why you don't recommend drinking tea

1. Tea contains tea polyphenols, vitamins, amino acids and other ingredients, antioxidant is one of the important effects of drinking tea, tea exposed to the air for a long time, vitamin C, etc. are oxidized, tea polyphenols are oxidized into tea pigments, resistance Reduced oxidation, especially green tea and white tea.

2. After the tea is left for a long time, some tannic acid will be produced. After getting up early to drink, eat breakfast again, tannic acid will react with food to produce oxalic acid, and free calcium and oxalic acid combine to make chemical changes, and it is easy to produce stones.

3. If the overnight tea is left over for more than 24 hours, because it contains sugar and a small amount of protein, it will mold under the proper conditions of temperature and humidity, produce bacteria and mold, and cause diarrhea. Therefore, you must not drink for more than 24 hours, especially when it is high in the summer.

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