
Common problems of steam reciprocating pump and its treatment

How to deal with when the steam reciprocating pump breaks down? This may make many people feel troublesome. Now Xiaobian to Weapon Weapon, how to deal with common faults of the steam reciprocating pump. Steam reciprocating pump common failures and treatment methods 1. When the steam reciprocating pump without liquid discharge failure, the treatment methods are: ① clear pipeline plug. ② clear into, drain valve jam. ③ filled with water, clean the air. ④ Tighten the pipe. ⑤ replace the column (live) plug seal. 2. Steam reciprocating pump there is a liquid discharge but no pressure display failure, the treatment methods are: ① Check or replace the pressure gauge. ② replace the insurance pin. 3 steam reciprocating pump hydraulic side there is abnormal sound failure, treatment methods are: ① replace the drain valve seat. ② exclude the air. ③ check, clear the cylinder hard objects. 4. steam reciprocating pump dynamic side there is abnormal sound failure, the treatment methods are: ① repair or replacement of connecting rod or copper sleeve. ② repair or replace the lower guide. ③ Tighten the connecting bolt. ④ Repair or replace the reduction gear. The above is the steam reciprocating pump common faults and treatment methods, I hope these methods can help everyone in dealing with the steam reciprocating pump fault. Further reading: China Construction Water Expo Guangzhou Industrial Expo leader ring Pump manufacturers ranking Industrial Internet (Xiamen) Technology Co., Ltd. Asia Pump Network Editor: He Daohui (QQ / WeChat:) http://beng.liuti.cn/ (Services Hotline:)

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