
Do you you think is `film & film` bale binding better than traditional net-wrap?

When making baled silage, it is important to note what specifications of bale-wrap (film) you are getting.

While `standard` 750mm x 1,500m rolls are by far the most commonly used, there are alternatives. However, are these alternatives worth looking into?

None of the co-ops we contacted produce own-brand bale-wrap (film) of specifications other than `standard` – but some of the leading brands have produced longer rolls in recent times – namely Silotite, Volac and Silawrap.

Silotite produces Silotite Pro, which is 750mm x 1,950m. The thickness of the plastic – at 20μm – is thinner than the 25μm seen on `standard` film, however.

Corn Bale Wrap

There are, of course, pros and cons to the film & film approach. In terms of cost, the price difference between Baletite and net-wrap means an additional cost of about 62c per bale (for the former).

However, claimed benefits of the film-binding system include a much better oxygen barrier, easy film removal, less waste, easier recycling and, vitally, enhanced silage quality – including a good reduction in silage mould.

Corn Wrap Bale

This highlights the need to ensure you know the specifications of the Silage Wrap being used, and how much of it is needed per bale.

According to the number of barrels, Piston-typed Mobile Milking Machine can be divided into two categories: Single-barrel Type and Double barrel Type.

With unique design, easy operation, easy maintenance, it can lower the utility costs. It will not hurt the nipple by milking soft with stable vacuum. The milking cup group is with a transparent tube, so the operator can observe the nipples of cows during the milking.

After years of production and constant technological improvements, the new designed milking machines can meet the actual demand for the majority of users. We discuss and improve more about the machine, to make them catch international standards, and suitable for more users in different countries. The portable Milking Machine is not only used for the individual animal in small farm, but also provides a selection for large-scale dairy farms for some special animals.

Piston-typed Milking Machine

Piston-Typed Milking Machine,Dairy Farm Milking Machine,Piston Milking Machine,Goat Milking Machine

Zibo Maoyang Industry and Trading Co.,ltd , http://www.mysilage.com

