
External gear pump structure and working principle diagram

【Asia pump network hearing】 meshing gears for external gear called external gear pump, gear pump is basically external gear pump. Because of its simple and compact structure, small size, light weight, good self-absorption, no sense of pollution, reliable, low cost, which attracted much attention. So how is the basic structure, what is the working principle, this Xiaobian interpretation for you one by one. External gear pump structure External gear pump structure and working principle of the specific analysis is as follows: 1. The structure of the external gear pump The figure below shows the structure of the external gear involute gear pump. It is mainly composed of a pair of driving gear 4, driven gear 8, transmission shaft 6, pump body 3, front pump cover 5 and rear pump cover 1 which are identical in geometrical parameters. External gear pump works Figure 2. External gear pump works as shown in the figure for the external gear pump works. A pair of external gears with the same parameters are mounted in the housing. Both ends of the gear are sealed by end covers (not shown) so that the two gears will be separated into two seals that are left and right in the housing cavity Of the oil chamber, and each between the teeth to form a sealed working volume. When the gear is rotated in the direction of the figure, the gear tooth is disengaged from the right side to expose the tooth space so as to increase the volume of the cavity to form a partial vacuum. The oil in the oil tank absorbs oil by suction through an oil pipe under the action of atmospheric pressure Cavity; complete the suction process. With the rotation of the gear, the gear teeth of each gear tooth into the left chamber from the right chamber, gear teeth in the left chamber into the engagement, so that the sealing volume decreases, the interdental fluid gradually squeezed out, so that The pressure in the left chamber rises, and the oil is output from the drain port to complete the pressure-relief process. Continuous rotation of the two gears, the suction chamber continuous oil, drain row on the row of oil. In the process of gear pump work, as long as the two gears in the same direction of rotation, its absorption, the location of the drain chamber is also unchanged. Here the meshing point of the tooth surface contact line has been separated from the high pressure, low pressure two chamber plays a role in the oil, so gear pumps do not need to set a special flow control mechanism, which is it and other types of positive displacement hydraulic pump differences. The above is the external gear pump structure and working principle of basic illustrations and illustrations, I hope your understanding and learning to provide some help. Extended reading: "Industry Leader" magazine Industrial Internet (Xiamen) Technology Co., Ltd. Asia Pump Network Editor: April (QQ / WeChat:) http://beng.liuti.cn/ (Service Hotline:)

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