
Girl underwear you pick it right? Dedicated to the growing season & blooming girl

Recently I felt that before the underwear to wear a little smaller, had wanted to re-buy underwear, but the class's students told me to wear a little underwear, can make the chest becomes less obvious. Obviously, some students also deliberately put on the bust of the underwear too! Really worried about their health ah !! "- Princess Taiping 15 years old

Each girl has its own unique growth rate, maybe you also want and friends have the same growth rate, do not want to be particularly fast, do not want to be particularly slow, but you have to know Oh, your development speed is the best in the world for you The speed is tailored specifically for you, your body is so unique!


717 girls underwear experts remind you choose underwear focus:

Cup-shaped soft cotton bust

With 717 unique big back buckle, to achieve one-step style wear

This stage is the golden stage of the development of the chest, choose a slightly larger cup-shaped soft cotton bust, reserved for the chest space for growth, will be more comfortable to wear and can protect the chest and reduce friction.

717 girls underwear experts remind you choose underwear focus:

Girl exclusive "soft rubber" stereotypes bust

With 717 unique big back buckle, to achieve one-step style wear

717 for the exclusive development of the girl's "natural resin soft bones" can be light care-type shaping, giving you the most comprehensive protection department to prevent excess fuctal fat free, reduce the female breast hyperplasia, but also to create a perfect chest shape. In addition, this period try not to wear a steel underwear, as well as focus on the role of care-type bust, to avoid the pressure on the chest and blood vessels, hinder the continued development of the chest Oh!

At this time, the girl's waist and buttocks also began to show the female round curve

Underwear purchase, it is recommended to be able to completely wrap the entire hip in the high-waist cotton-based.

Holidays do not wear school uniforms, beautiful as angelic girl, you can put aside boring light-colored underwear, put on your favorite color underwear, show the beauty of the sun flare style!
Chest development is something every girl will experience, grew up properly wearing underwear habit, can make the chest better. Look up and chest to avoid causing kyphosis or chest deformity.

少女内衣 你选对了吗?献给正在生长期&绽放期的少女

Girls bust ≠ adult small bust

Professional girl growth underwear is different from the adult underwear, it is based on teenage adolescent body development, at different stages of development, corresponding to different physical development and wearing different functional bust.

So when you find your chest tight and wearing so uncomfortable and tight, you should change it.

However, you need to change the different stages of the bust, instead of the same stage to change a code Oh!

This is a lot of mothers in the purchase of girls underwear when the erroneous Oh!

Correct choice of your girl's underwear, in order to really care for your chest Oh!

Come professional 717 girls lingerie shop, choose a professional girl underwear!

Girls care quarter - live out really I start from 717

(Source: China Beauty Network )

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