
Green cage cage breeding new method

Green shrimp is commonly known as shrimp, widely distributed in rivers, lakes, streams, and reservoirs. It is a popular freshwater shrimp. In order to change the low yield of shrimp culture in cages, the adoption of a new method of double-season shrimp farming in one year can achieve higher aquaculture production and economic benefits.

In the water area, the selection of cages for the culture of freshwater shrimp should be carried out in waters such as Hulan, Kuwan, and river banks. Requires a certain amount of water flow, small wind and waves, fresh water, no pollution, water depth no less than 2 meters, transparency 40 cm to 70 cm, pH 7 to 8.5, dissolved oxygen content more than 4.8 mg per liter, nitrate and nitrite content Below 20 milligrams and 0.1 milligrams per liter, respectively, while avoiding wind and sun, quiet environment, pay attention to avoid the traffic arteries.

Cages The cages are made of polyethylene mesh and rectangular. There are three types of specifications: large, medium and small. Each cage has an area of ​​40 to 60 square meters, medium cages 20 to 30 square meters each, and small cages about 10 square meters each. The cage is 1.3 meters high and 0.9 meters into the water. 0.4 meters of water is exposed to prevent escape. Mesh specifications: Anti-escape nets are 196 meshes per square centimeter, with 24 heads per square centimeter for box walls and box bottoms. Bamboo and wood are used as frames to install open-floating cages, which can be lifted freely with the fluctuation of water level. They can also be enclosed in closed cages. The cover nets must be 0.3 meters above the water surface. Anchors and stones are fixed. In general, every five cages are lined up in a row, with a box of four or five meters and a row spacing of five to six meters. The water is installed 7 days to 10 days before the shrimp is put.

The shrimp nest is set to make full use of the space of the cage to increase the survival rate of the shrimp, the product specifications and the aquaculture production. The shrimp nest should be set in the box. That is, floating aquatic plants such as water hyacinths, water lettuces, and water peanuts are stocked on the water surface of cages, covering 1/4 of the surface of the water in the tanks. The aquatic plants are integrated into strips by ropes and arranged parallel to the long sides of the cage, but they need to leave the walls to prevent the shrimps from escaping. In the bottom of the box and in the middle of the box, we should raise aquatic plants such as Vallisneria, Hymenocallis edulis, and hoist a suitable number of willow branches, palm husks, poplar roots, etc., which can be bundled into small bundles and hung in the various water layers inside the box. The main role of shrimp nest: 1 as a natural carrier for artificial feeding; 2 shade in summer can be hot, reduce the local water temperature; 3 young leaves and roots of water plants, can be used as a supplementary food for shrimp, to prevent the killing of shrimp; 4 It can attract aquatic animals such as lakes and reservoirs to reproduce in aquatic grasses to provide live baits for the shrimps;5 it can be used as a habitat for shrimps, hiding, and clam shells;6 After entering the winter, the plants sink to the bottom of the tank by frost. , Can be used as a wintering place for shrimp.

Juvenile prawns grow fast and have a short breeding cycle. They can adopt two breeding modes of spring and summer and a two-year breeding mode. In the first stage, the wintering larvae with a size of 1,000 to 2,000 per kilogram will be released from February to March. About 400 fish will be stocked per square metre of cages, and the second larva will be harvested from the middle of July. Breeding, breeding in June specifications of 2000 to 5000 shrimp per kilogram, stocking about 500 per square meter. Juvenile prawns should be stocked on sunny mornings or on cloudy days when they are not sultry. They should be physically strong, disease-free, have complete limbs, have neat specifications, and should have enough time for one-time use. When stocking, they must be overweighted, counted, and handled with water.

The feed is fed mainly with pelleted feed, with the appropriate mix of snails, clams, oysters, and miscellaneous fish. The particle size of the pellet feed should be adjusted depending on the size of the shrimp. The average length of the shrimp is 2.5 cm or less with the open micro-granules with a crude protein content of 36%, and the length of the shrimp is 2.5 cm to 4 cm with the crude protein content of 34%. Shrimp body length more than 4 cm with crude protein content of 32% of shrimp material. According to the feeding habits and living habits of the shrimps, adhere to the principle of "Four Ding" feeding. Every day from 7 am to 8 pm and from 6 pm to 7 pm, two feedings will be given. One third of the total will be fed in the morning. Feed 2/3 of the total. The whole box is evenly fed, and the daily feeding amount is generally 5% to 8% of the shrimp body weight, and the specific feeding and weather changes of the shrimp are flexibly grasped.

Day-to-day management adheres to the early, middle and late-night inspections, anti-enemies against biological damage, flood protection and flood protection. Frequently clean cages to maintain mesh permeability for water exchange. Timely removal of residual contaminants from the bottom of the tank and replacement of aquatic plants to prevent deterioration of water quality. Strengthen disease prevention and control. Every 15 days to 20 days, 15 grams to 20 grams of quicklime per cubic meter of water, and 0.2 grams of dibromohydantoin water are used to sprinkle the cage water and nearby waters once. If it is found that ciliates are attached to the body of the shrimp, 0.7 g of copper sulfate per cubic meter of water can be used to sputter the whole water tank, and the medicine should be administered once every 7 days.

Timely catch of the first shrimp, generally from the end of April began to capture, catch once every two weeks, the weight of 2.5 grams (400 per kilogram) or more of the prawns auction listed, all out in mid-July box. The second oyster shrimp, from September onwards, was arrested in a round of arrests and arrested until December.

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