
Hairy shrimp processing technology

Hairy shrimp, that is, Chinese hairy shrimp, also known as small white shrimp, water shrimp, etc., crustacean, sakura shrimp, body side flat, thin shell. Body length is generally 2.5-4 cm. The forehead is short, the side is slightly triangular, the lower edge is oblique and slightly curved, the upper edge has two teeth, the tail section is very short, the end is round, there is no thorn, the latter half and the end edge of the lateral edge have feathers. The first three pairs of feet were tiny pincers, and the last two pairs were completely degenerated. The body is colorless and transparent, with only the mouthpart and the second whip being red, the ventral surface of the sixth tummy is slightly red, and the base of the inner limb of the tail has 3-8 red spots. Living in the shallow sea at the bottom of the sand, many in the vicinity of the Gulf of Australia or the estuary. The swimming ability is poor, and it moves to the depths in the winter and spawns in the nearshore after spring. The spawning period is long. From late May to late September, the egg is semi-deep and the young shrimp grows very fast. China's coastal production is the largest in the Bohai Sea. Fishing nets are used more often. In addition to fresh food, it can also be processed into shrimp, shrimp paste, shrimp oil and so on. The species is similar to Japanese hairy shrimp, which is slightly smaller than Chinese hairy shrimp and has only one large red dot at the base of the inner limb of the tail. Both China's north and south coasts are produced and harvested using fixed nets. It is also an important type of economic shrimp.
(1) Shrimp and shrimp skin, which are dry products of hairy shrimp, have two kinds of raw and cooked dry products. The shrimps produced with Chinese shrimp are excellent. The shrimp is small and thin, and it is easy to make people feel only a layer of skin after drying. One of the shrimps comes from this.
The nutritional value of shrimp is high, and it is a popular seafood product with relatively low prices in aquatic products. After testing every one hundred grams of dried shrimps with 39.3 grams of protein, 3 grams of fat, 8.6 grams of sugar, 2000 mg of calcium, 1005 mg of phosphorus, 5.5 mg of iron, 0.03 mg of thiamine, 0.07 mg of riboflavin, 2.5 mg of niacin . The content of calcium and phosphorus in the shrimp skin is most significant in aquatic products, and children properly eat the shrimp skin, which is greatly beneficial to their growth and development.
Cooked shrimp
(1) Raw material processing: The raw shrimps should be processed according to fresh quality before processing, so as not to mix together and reduce the quality of finished products.
The raw material is fresh and free of impurities such as sediment, which can be boiled directly. If there is sediment and other impurities, it must be washed and sorted out. Bamboo baskets can be used for screen washing. The method is to first put 5-8 kilograms of shrimp in water baskets, and then put them into large cylinders or wooden barrels containing clean seawater for washing. When washing, one side of the basket is held in the water and swings around in the water. One hand, gently flip the shrimp in the basket, so that the sediment flow out from the basket hole sinks into the bottom of the water, and pick out the small trash fish and other impurities smoothly. After washing, the basket is raised and drained.
(2) boiled: Inject the appropriate amount of fresh water into the pot, add 6% of salt according to the weight of the water, put the raw shrimp into the pot after the water boils (the ratio of shrimp and water is 1:4), and you can fish after boiling. Drain and boil the shrimp in a timely manner to clear the froth in the pan. Each pot should be properly salted to maintain the concentration of salt, when cooking about 8 pots, soup has been very turbid, fresh water should be replaced immediately.
During the cooling of the drain, the shrimp basket must not be shaken, otherwise the looseness between the shrimp bodies will affect the drainage effect and can accelerate the qualitative change of the semi-finished products, especially during the rainy days, and should be noticed.
(3) Exposure: After cooking, the shrimps are cooked and fully cooled. Before the sun is dried, the shrimp baskets are shaken to make them loose. The shrimps are evenly spread on the mats and dried to dryness. When using a mallet, turn it over and turn it evenly to prevent it from drying and causing deterioration. When the weather is dry, it can be dried in about half a day. When it is dry to 67% dry, it can be stored for two days and then dried until it reaches 90% dry. Properly grasping the dry temperature of dried shrimps is a key issue. It is too dry and fragile and its taste is not delicious. It is too easy to cause deterioration, and it cannot be stored for a long time. The yield is generally about 25%.
(4) Packing: After drying the shrimp skin, it should be properly sifted and the crushed smashed smashing should be removed. The packaging should be easy to transport and unbreakable, and should be packed with moisture-proof material to prevent the shrimp from absorbing moisture.
2. Raw shrimp: raw material treatment is basically the same as cooked shrimp, its freshness is high, and the shrimp body is larger and tidy.
After the fresh shrimps are drained, they are sprinkled on the mats and a thin layer is left. When four or ten percent of the dried shrimps are turned into one thousand lines, they can be collected when they reach 90 percent dry. The processing of raw shrimp must be selected in the dry weather of Sunny, and it is easy to put dried shrimps in a cloudy place on a cloudy day. The yield of raw shrimp is generally around 20%.
3 shrimp quality requirements:
(1) The quality of cooked shrimp: The color is yellowish white, the size of the shrimp is uniform, complete, and the dryness is appropriate (when grabbing one hand, the shrimp skin can be spread out automatically when the hand is opened, and when the shrimp skin is spread on the floor, Shrimp can bounce up, no impurities, salty and moderate, with a delicious taste.
(2) The quality of raw shrimp: The color is white or light yellow, the shrimp is large, clean and free of impurities, moderate in dryness, and smells like the unique taste of raw shrimp.
4. Storage of shrimp: shrimps are high in water content and should not be stored for too long. Especially in high temperature seasons, they are often susceptible to mold deterioration. In a short period of time, they can be sealed without absorbing moisture, and the changes are slow. However, long-term storage must be stored in a cold room or in a refrigerator. Otherwise, the seal is good, and it is prone to mold deterioration at room temperature in high temperature seasons.
5. How to eat shrimp: The most convenient food for eating shrimp, clean cooked shrimp can be directly into the dish, can be used as soup or salad can be, containing fine sand shrimp can be used before eating cold water wash. Raw shrimp can only be used as a cooked dish, it is best to wash it with water before entering the dish.
(b) Shrimp paste and shrimp paste Shrimp paste is a fermented product and is usually processed by using shrimp, clams, and shrimp. Wash the raw shrimp first, remove the impurities, add about 30% of the salt after draining, and put it in a wooden barrel or pickle. After 5-7 days, the shrimp body has turned red, indicating that the raw shrimp has been fermented. The above marinade is filtered, then the shrimp body is chopped into a sauce and put into a jar or a barrel. After about 10 days of exposure to the sun, the shrimp paste ferments and expands. After that, it is stirred twice a day to make it even and fully fermented. After about a month, it is fermented into finished shrimp paste.
The shrimp brine that is filtered out when processing the shrimp paste can be processed into shrimp oil. The method is to put the shrimp brine in the cylinder and allow it to ferment in the sun. It is absolutely forbidden to enter the rainwater and can be fermented after about 3 months of hot weather. , After filtering, into the pot, add onions, ginger, pepper, star anise and other spices for two hours or so brewed, the cooked seasoning to get out, this became a delicious shrimp oil.
In some areas, shrimp paste is processed in a sealed fermentation method: fresh shrimp are first added with 15-17% salt and mix well, followed by 2-3 days of fermentation, then 3-5% of salt (with a total salt content of no more than 25 %), then grind the shrimp body into sauce, add 3% rice wine, 2-3% sugar, mix well and put it in the altar and seal it (seal it with plaster or mud), keep at 30°C About 3 months of fermentation in the left and right temperature is the finished shrimp paste.
In the southern coastal areas of China, shrimp paste and shrimp oil are also processed using the following method: After the raw materials are washed, the water is drained, and the water is put into a large tank. 30-35% of the salt is added and mixed, and the cylinder lid is placed in the open air. After being fermented for several months, after ripening, the upper juice was filtered, and the filtrate was flavored with spices. After being tasted, it was prawnsoil, and the dregs sinking in the lower part of the bowl were smashed and served as shrimp paste.

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