
How many peaches eat at a time? What happens when the peaches are eaten?

Peach is a familiar fruit, but many people eat too much due to the taste of peaches. Some adverse reactions occur in the body. What happens when the peaches are eaten? Peach eat more will have to get angry, abdominal distension, diarrhea and other conditions, especially those who have stomach problems should eat less. How much is it suitable to eat peach once?

What happens when the peaches are eaten?

Although peaches are a fruit for everyone to eat, they can eat peaches. What about eating peaches? Eating too much peach is not only easy to get angry, but also easy to diarrhea. This is a reminder for friends who like to eat peaches. The question of eating these peaches is very worth looking at. Let's add some health knowledge.

1, easy to bloating.

Li Shizhen once said: “Peach has many foods that are bloated and scabies, which is detrimental and unhelpful.” Although peaches are warm, people who eat more often make people feel fuller, especially those with digestive diseases such as gallbladder Patients with inflammation and chronic gastritis should not be greedy. In addition, be sure to wash the peach before eating peaches, so as not to cause skin rash or the peach hair into the respiratory tract, causing cough, asthma and other illnesses.

2, easy to get angry.

Sweet and sweet peaches, easy to get angry should not eat too much, otherwise it is easy to "fire", induced bloating, abdominal pain and so on. Therefore, the citizens who eat peaches easily get angry and suffer from the symptoms of dry mouth, thirst, and sore throat are better off eating less or not eating peaches. Those who are prone to sore boils eat more seriously. There will be sores on the body.

3, easy to diarrhea.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, peaches have the effect of fluid and intestines. Modern nutrition studies have shown that peaches contain a large amount of pectin, which promotes bowel movements and improves constipation. Therefore, if the spleen and stomach are weak and diarrhea is the main performance, it is not appropriate to eat more, otherwise it is easy to aggravate the gastrointestinal burden.

4. Experts remind that people with weak spleen and stomach, especially those with diarrhea as the main symptom, should not eat more peaches. Eating one meal a day is enough, otherwise it is easy to aggravate the gastrointestinal burden. In addition, peaches are sweet, warm, and easy to get angry should not eat too much. It is best not to eat peaches that are not fully ripe. Eating easily causes bloating or diarrhea.


Did peach eat too much?

Peaches are cute, rich in nutrients, and delicious to eat, so many people tend to eat too much peaches. Does peach eat too much and it gets angry? It's easy for the peaches to get angry. This is a problem that many people who like to eat peaches care about. The following Xiao Bian will introduce it to everyone.

Li Shizhen once said: “Pickles have more food, which is bloating and oysters, and it is detrimental to your own benefit.” So when you eat peaches, it is easy to get angry, and serious ones can also cause soreness, especially when the heat is usually high. People who are prone to sore boils are even less likely to eat more.

Peach is rich in nutrients and rich in gums. This type of substance can absorb large amounts of water into the large intestine and can prevent constipation. However, constipation due to the fire, after eating a lot of peaches will not only not ease, but will "fire."

How to eat peaches

Summer is the season when peaches are listed, and folks are also known as “Taoyang”. Therefore, many people think that peaches can be eaten in order to allow the body to be nourished. However, it is necessary to remind everyone that although peaches should be taken care of, they should not eat too much. What if the peaches are eaten? In this regard, we can eat some detoxification medicine to prevent diseases.

1, eat peaches once allergies, when the beginning of symptoms is light, such as mouth redness, peeling, itching, this time we should stop eating, wash their faces, hands. It can also be treated by using the following method: soak some green tea, put a bit of salt in it, and wash allergies with hot tea. Afterwards wipe dry with a dry towel and apply it to Liu Yi San.

2, if the symptoms are more serious, such as lips, perioral, ear, neck and large erythema, and even slight edema, it should be taken seriously, if serious, it may even cause diarrhea. At this point, we can replace Liuyi with an endless cream. If the surface appears edema, you can apply some ice cream fun ointment. Symptoms are milder. Apply twice a day. Symptoms are heavy and can be applied three times. Can also eat with detoxification drugs, such as honeysuckle, chlorpheniramine and so on. If the skin appears edema, you can usually eat more radish, drink plenty of water.

3, due to eating peaches cause severe diarrhea, severe symptoms should be promptly sent to the hospital for treatment.

Usage and dosage of peach:

1, fresh food, for food, or Jianzhi Yin Tang meat;

2. Wash the peach hair before eating so as not to penetrate the skin and cause rash; or inhale the respiratory tract, causing cough, itching and throat embolism.

Tips for eating peaches:

1, clever to peach hair: Put a little food in the clean water, put the peach into the soak for 3 minutes, stirring a few times, so that the peach hair will automatically go up, a few hair washed will be gone.

2, pick peaches: touched by hand, the surface hairy, tingling sensation is not been poured over the water, to press harder when the hardness is not suitable for moderate water, too soft is easy to rotten. The red peaches are not necessarily sweet, and the peach kernels and pulp are not to be separated. The core and meat are stick together. The flesh is sweet.

How much suitable for a peach to eat at one time

Nowadays it is the season when peaches come into the market. Friends who love peaches can enjoy their food. However, Xiaobian told everyone that although peaches are nutritious, they should not eat too much, especially when they get angry. So how much does a peach eat for a day? Healthy people also need to keep a half pound of peaches every day. Let's take a look.

1. Patients with debilitating physical and mental illness and patients with weak gastrointestinal function should not eat too many peaches, because peaches contain a lot of dietary fiber, and excessive consumption will increase the burden on the stomach. Patients with skin diseases and prone to sores also try to eat peaches as little as possible. The amount of peaches eaten by healthy people should be kept below half a catty a day.

2. Experts remind that people with weak spleen and stomach, especially those with diarrhea as their main symptoms, should not eat more peaches. Eating one meal a day is enough, otherwise it is easy to aggravate the gastrointestinal burden. In addition, peaches are sweet, warm, and easy to get angry should not eat too much. It is best not to eat peaches that are not fully ripe. Eating easily causes bloating or diarrhea.

3. After eating too many peaches, some slight reactions may cause discomfort to the gastrointestinal tract, and severe cases can cause bloating or diarrhea. Therefore, if you like to eat peaches, it is best to eat one on the first day, and eat a moderate amount of peaches. It is good for your health.

4, it is best not to give infants and young children to feed peaches, because peaches contain a large number of macromolecular substances, infants and young children have poor dialysis capacity, can not digest these substances, it is easy to cause allergic reactions.

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