
Magnetic gear pump fault repair methods

When a magnetic gear pump is working, the sudden failure, so we had to stop the work, this is a very angry thing, the following small series to introduce some About this pump maintenance methods, hoping to be helpful to everyone. Magnetic gear pump (A) pump should be checked before use, the motor blades to be flexible rotation, no stuck and abnormal sound, the fasteners to be tightened. (B) When pumping liquid level higher than the pump, the heart line, before starting to open the suction pipe valve can be, ZYB-B adjustable gear pump if the suction surface below the pump line, the pipeline should be equipped with the end valve. (C) magnetic gear pump should be installed horizontally, should not be erected, plastic pump body shall not withstand the weight of the pipeline, for special requirements of the vertical installation of the occasion, the motor must be upward. (D) check the motor rotation direction and magnetic gear pump steering mark the same. (E) After the motor starts, slowly open the discharge valve, to be pump into the normal working condition, and then adjust the discharge valve to the desired opening. (F) pump stop working, you should close the discharge valve, and then cut off the power. Industrial Internet (Xiamen) Technology Co., Ltd. Asia Pump Network Editor: He Daohui (QQ / WeChat:) http://beng.liuti.cn/ (Service Hotline:)

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