
Pest winter defense ten methods

In winter, pests of grain, cotton, vegetables and fruit lurk in a suitable environment and enter the overwintering state. Although the hibernating pests are no longer harmful crops, but the overwintering base has a greater impact on the degree of occurrence in the coming year. According to the survey, the elimination of a single wintering bollworm cricket, equivalent to the elimination of 300-500 larvae in the following year; eradication of a locust locust, equivalent to eliminate in the coming year 1500-2000 head locusts; annihilate the larvae of one armyworm, killing about 300 larvae in the following year. Therefore, seize this favorable opportunity to conduct prevention and control, save labor, save medicine, have good results, and reduce pests, will have a multiplier effect. 1. Deep ploughing can turn maggots and other underground pests to the ground and freeze them to death; it can also destroy the nests of insect pests such as cotton bollworm, armyworm, wheat leaf beetle and aphids, change their orientation, and prevent feathering or hatching. Deep plowing is suitable for early fall and winter, and deep plowing is usually 13-15 centimeters. 2. Clean Garden first removes weeds and destroys the wintering environment of the locusts and sloughs. The defoliation, comminution of corn stalks, and glutinous stalks of fruit trees were then carried out by resection, smashing, and stacking, which can kill more than 90% of the corn borer, millet ash, leaf roller moth, bridge-building moth and cabbage caterpillar surviving in them. 3. Winter irrigation In the middle of freezing nights, the winter irrigation on the idle land, wheat fields and orchards can kill the rhizosphere eggs and the larvae of the brown planthoppers, which are greatly reduced due to the decrease of the oxygen content in the soil and the sudden temperature drop. The emergence rate of earthworms. 4. Scrape the skin in the rough skin, cracks and cracks in the possession of a variety of pests through the winter, with a knife to scrape the bark, especially to scrape branches. To grasp the apple tree scraping lightly, to see the yellow and green bark prevail; pear, jujube bark thick re-scratch deep scratch, to see the red endothelium is appropriate. When scraping the bark, plastics and other materials should be laid so that the scraped skin can be disposed or burned away. 5. Whitening can eliminate overwintering pests in trunk and bark joints. The whitening agent is formulated with 10-12 parts of quicklime, 2 parts of clay, 36-40 parts of water, 2 parts of lime sulfur stock solution and 1-2 parts of salt. The above substances are dissolved and mixed, poured into the lime sulfur mixture and the clay can be coated dry, the amount of coating is not downstream. 6. Pruning twigs When winter trees are cut, worms, wormholes, or worm-bearing twigs are cut off and burned in a concentrated manner, which can have the effect of killing two birds with one stone. 7. Cold killing means low-temperature treatment, opening the doors and windows of the granary, so that the temperature drops below -5°C, and freezing for a long time can suppress the breeding of pests and reduce the damage. 8. Fumigation with 5% of the dichlorvos emulsion, 400 ml per 1000 cubic meters, spraying 20-25 times the water granary, cotton warehouse, sealed for 4-5 days, the control effect of the moth, rice elephant more than 90%. 9. Dip coating with 40% omethoate, 50% monocrotophos or 50% methamidophos 200 times, spotting the top heart, branches and buds of trees, prickly ash, fruit trees and other trees to prevent overwintering aphids. 10.Spray on weeds in wheat fields, orchards, etc., with 2.5% deltamethrin, 20% extinction, 4000-5000 dilutions, or 50% methamidophos, 50% monocrotophos 2000— 3000 times liquid, 4% of the enemy horse powder spray, can kill a large number of aphids, planthoppers and jumps; spray fruit trees after scraping 1-2 times 3-5 degrees of lime sulfur can effectively prevent pears Round locust, red spider; with 40% omethoate 1500-2000 times spray to prevent warts.

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