
Potatoes in winter and field are good for the morning market

As the country raises the potato to the status of staple food, the planting area of ​​potato in our province is also gradually expanding, especially in the major rice production areas in our province, the area of ​​winter free fields is very large, and the cultivation of potatoes by farmers is a good choice for increasing income. In recent years, the income from potato cultivation has been relatively stable, and it has also stimulated the enthusiasm of farmers to grow.

Planting area is expanding

From the perspective of potato growing areas, our province has distribution from south to north, but large-scale cultivation is mainly concentrated in Zhangzhou, Fuyang, Suzhou, Fujian, Zhangzhou and Lu'an. In recent years, the potato acreage in our province has been increasing year by year. In 2016, the Provincial Agriculture Committee arranged five rice field potato demonstration counties. In 2017, the Provincial Agriculture Commission expanded the demonstration area of ​​rice fields in paddy fields to Dingyuan, Feidong, Huaiyuan and Shucheng. , Tongcheng, Langxi and other 6 cities and counties, among which Dingyuan, Shucheng, and Huaiyuan have established core demonstration models of potato cultivation models, established cultivation model radiation promotion areas in Tongcheng, Feidong, and Langxi, demonstrating and promoting the plant breeding greenhouses in early spring. Full mechanized cultivation techniques, full-time mechanization techniques for potato film-mulching cultivation in winter rice fields, and green light-simplified cultivation techniques for potato straw-covered cultivation in winter idle rice fields.

The Director of the Alien Potato Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences told the reporter that there are more winter free fields in the main rice production areas of our province, and rainfall is suitable. Natural rainfall just meets the needs of potato growth. At the same time, the amount of water is not much, which is conducive to mechanized planting. In 2016, the potato planting area in our province is about 950,000 mu, of which the potato planting area for rice and potatoes is about 10,000 mu. It is estimated that the potato planting area in the province will increase by more than 100,000 mu in 2017, of which the rice planting area for rice and potatoes may increase. To 3 million mu.

From a national perspective, the domestic potato growing regions are mainly distributed in Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Gansu, Shaanxi, and Yunnan-Guizhou and so on. At present, the domestic potato planting area is more than 80 million mu. It is estimated that by 2020, the potato planting area will be expanded to 150 million mu and more than 50% of the potato will be consumed as staple food.

Suitable sowing for reasonable fertilization

Liao Huajun told reporters that the best sowing time for rice and potato is in the middle or late January of each year, so that the market can be set in mid-May. In terms of species selection, farmers can choose early and medium-maturing potato varieties with fast potato tuber, fast tuber enlargement, high yield, good quality, and disease resistance, such as Feiwuruitiao, Zhongshu No. 3, Zhongshu No. 5, and Zhongshu No. 8. .

Farmers should select seed potatoes before cutting, and remove potato chips, rotten potatoes, hybrid potatoes, and misshapen potatoes that do not meet the quality standards of seed potatoes. When the potato is cut into pieces, each potato block should have 1-2 buds, and the weight of individual potato blocks is 30-50 grams. The cut sweet potato pieces are sown in the room until they reach the cut surface, or they are put into neutral talcum powder to promote the healing of the knife edge. They can also be used for dressing seeds, such as fleas, 50 ml, 20 ml/100 kilogram seed oil. , or Antai 100g + Gaoqiao 20ml / 100kg seed potato.

Liao Huajun reminded in particular that before sowing, it is necessary to spin and plow the soil after deep turning, so that it will be ground and flat. Site preparation can be done mechanically or artificially, with a mulch covering the ridge cultivation mode. When cultivating on a single ridge, the ridge width is 60 cm, the ridge height is 20 cm, and the ditch width is 30 cm; in single row and double row cultivation, the ridge width is 80 cm and the ridge height 20 cm, width 30 cm. When a farmer adopts straw-cover cultivation, the potato is planted with a width of 120 cm, a groove width of 30 cm and a ditch depth of 20 cm. After the potato is sown and covered with straw, the trench is opened and the straw is covered with straw.

In the application of fertilizers, planting potato base fertilizers should be dominated by organic fertilizers, supplemented by inorganic fertilizers, and the amount of basic fertilizers used by the potato accounted for 80% of the total. Combined application of 3,000 kg organic fertilizer per acre, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium ternary compound fertilizer (15-10-20 or 15-12-18) 70-80 kg, 1.2 kg of zinc sulfate, 1 kg of boric acid. When organic manure is used for cultivation, part of the compound fertilizer is combined with the cultivated land and plowed into the tillage layer, and a part of the compound fertilizer is concentrated in the ditch before the sowing. Top dressing is dominated by inorganic fertilizers, which accounts for 20% of total fertilization. Generally, 15 kg of urea and 16 kg of potassium sulfate are applied per acre.

When most potato stems and leaves turn from green to yellow and the tubers mature, it is the best time for harvest. Farmers can harvest ahead of time according to production and market prices, and mention the market in advance.

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