
Seven considerations for proper use of gear pumps

Reasonable use of gear pump seven precautions (1) Gear pump taboo, from the gear pump maintenance and conservation point of view.In use, the gear oil is strictly prohibited by adding diesel oil for dilution, nor because of the impact of the winter start and bake Baked after the bridge, the transmission, so as to avoid serious deterioration of gear oil.If this happens, should be replaced with low viscosity multi-stage gear oil.
(2) Never use ordinary gear pump instead of hypoid gear oil Why do you say that? Because of hypoid gear pump sliding between teeth is very large, ordinary gear pump can not maintain sufficient lubricant film, if used in the meantime of ordinary gear oil, hypoid gear will soon be damaged in use how to distinguish ordinary gear oil and quasi Hyperboloid gear oil? A: Fractional hypoid gear oil colors are generally yellow-green to dark green and dark brown red, etc., other gear oil colors are generally dark black, pay attention to when using the difference. Also should not abuse hypoid gear oil instead of ordinary Gear oil, otherwise, will cause transmission gear corrosion and unnecessary wear and tear of economic losses must be based on the characteristics of gear drive, choose the right performance gear oil.
(3) Do not mistakenly believe that high-viscosity gear oil lubrication performance is good.Use the too high viscosity of the gear oil will cause a significant increase in fuel consumption, is not conducive to gear repair and maintenance, especially for high-speed cars more , Should be used as much as possible the appropriate multi-stage gear oil.
(4 Do not confuse the SAE classification code for engine oil and gear oil.) To avoid confusion in calculation standards, a higher grade code is used for gear oil and a lower classification code is for engine oil, but for older grades gear oil classification Should be noted that there is no connection between the gear pump and the viscosity of the engine oil, the same model can not be used with each other must not be used as the gear oil when the engine oil, or the engine will occur bush, sticky cylinder and sintered piston top and other serious accidents .
(5) The rational use of gear oil pump is conducive to gear maintenance gear oil has a longer service life, such as the use of single-stage oil, when used in the maintenance of different replacement with different viscosity markings. In the oil change again when using the car. Old oil should be properly stored to prevent moisture, mechanical impurities and waste oil pollution.
(6) The amount of fuel should be appropriate. The amount of oil should be appropriate, not too much or too small .Other than not only increases the oil resistance drag and fuel consumption, and may be gear oil mixed with the brake drum through the rear axle housing (if the seal is poor) Causing brake failure; too little will make poor lubrication, the temperature is too high, accelerating gear wear, gear maintenance will adversely affect the gear oil level should generally be added to the gear box and the lower edge of the flush, and should always check each Gear box leakage, and to maintain the oil seal, liner intact.
(7) Timely oil change. Should be in accordance with the provisions of the oil change indicator for new oil, no oil analysis means, according to the prescribed period of oil change. Automobile manufacturers recommended oil change period ofkm. Oil change should be When the hot oil is released, clean the gear and gearbox before adding new oil. When filling, prevent water and impurities from mixing in.

This article Keywords: oil pump


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