
Steam reciprocating pump how to regulate the flow

Steam pump is mainly steam-powered, that it is in the work of how to regulate the flow? Now we will explain to you Xiaobate steam reciprocating pump is how to regulate the flow, as follows: Steam reciprocating pump how to adjust Flow 1. By-pass back-flow method uses the bypass line to connect the discharge line and the suction line so that the discharged liquid is partly returned to the suction line for flow control. In the bypass pipeline with bypass valve, which can easily adjust the amount of return flow, in order to achieve the purpose of regulating the flow. This adjustment method has power loss, so poor economy. 2. Change the piston reciprocation frequency method For the power pump can use the tower wheel or gearbox to change the pump shaft speed, the piston reciprocation change. However, it should be noted that when the speed increases, the prime mover power, pump part strength and speed limit shall meet the requirements. For the direct effect of the steam reciprocating pump, as long as the control into the opening of the valve can change the piston stroke, thereby regulating the steam reciprocating pump flow. 3. Change the piston travel method is commonly used by changing the position of the crank pin to adjust the clearance between the plunger and the crosshead or the use of piston stroke size adjustment mechanism to change the piston stroke. Piston stroke adjustment mechanism can be infinitely adjusted stroke can be adjusted to zero, the steam reciprocating pump flow between the maximum and zero arbitrarily adjusted. Currently widely used in the piston pump stepless regulation and accurate measurement of the flow. Further reading: China Construction Water Expo Guangzhou Industrial Expo leader ring Pump manufacturers ranking Industrial Internet (Xiamen) Technology Co., Ltd. Asia Pump Network Editor: He Daohui (QQ / WeChat:) http://beng.liuti.cn/ (Services Hotline:)

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