
Steam reciprocating pump model meaning

For the meaning of the model of the steam reciprocating pump, if it is not a professional, may feel very strange to them, do not understand what these models mean. Now Xiaobian on the model 2QS-4.8 / 17 steam reciprocating pump, for example, to explain what is the meaning of its model. Steam reciprocating pump model meaning (1) 2-cylinder (2) Q-vapor drive (3) S- conveying medium is water (4) 4.8- flow rate value (m3 / h) Mpa) Read More: China Construction Water Show Guangzhou, the world's leading industrial pump industry leaders ranked Industrial Internet (Xiamen) Technology Co., Ltd. Asia Pump Network Editor: He Daohui (QQ / WeChat:) http://beng.liuti.cn/ (Service hotline:)

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