
Summer flowers Raiders

1. Summer weather conditions The average summer temperature reaches 25 degrees, the highest temperature is 35 degrees or more, the low temperature is not lower than 15 degrees, and the extreme temperature can reach 40 degrees. Solar radiation is strong and humidity is high. In late August, the northern part of North China has become cool.

2. Suitable types of flowering in summer In June, oleander, rose, dahlia, half-branch, jasmine, gardenia, lotus, snakehead, crape myrtle, lilies, tiger lily, shandan, cornucopia, alligator, Zhulan, Wenshulan and other flowers have blossomed and colorful. In July, crape myrtle, jasmine, canna, half-branch, impatien, red string, milan, dahlia, gladiolus, bell-shaped escarpment, red millet, aloe, acacia, hollyhock, cleome, nasturtium , cockscomb, gardenia, amaranth, red pepper and so on. In August, Jasmine, Zhulan, Canna, lotus, water lily, tuberose, amaranth, cockscomb, marigold, gladiolus, dahlia, crape myrtle, paphiopedilum, Cymbidium and so on.

3. Reproduction of summer flowers In June, primroses, geraniums, and cineraria can be planted; grafted autumn chrysanthemums and Chinese rose. July-August, when the summer heat, most species are not suitable for breeding, but Jasmine, hibiscus, June snow, Dahlia can cut propagation; tequila, cactus can be divided breeding. In late August, dianthus, bamboo incense, pansy, and calendula can be sown.

4. Cultivation and Management of Summer Flowers In June, the management of fertilizers and water was emphasized, and seedlings were planted with seedlings, drought-proof watering, and sun-shading; and prevention and control of insect pests, such as aphids, beetles, and scale insects. Pay attention to the collection of spring-flowering seeds such as corn poppy, cornflower, snapdragon, dianthus, and cinnamon. In July, the summer is hot, pay attention to watering and drought prevention, and it should be carried out sooner or later, avoid watering at noon; plants that bloom in the spring such as carnations, snapdragons, hollyhocks, etc. continue to collect seeds. In August, we paid attention to weeding, drought prevention, flood prevention, and shading; strengthened prevention and control of pests; control of powdery mildew and black spot diseases such as rose and orchid.

Wolfberry: sweet, flat. Goji leaves: bitter, sweet; cool. Medlar by the Ministry of Health as a "dual-purpose" variety, medlar can be processed into a variety of foods, beverages, health wine, health products and so on. In the soup or porridge when often join wolfberry.
Function: Wolfberry: Liver, Kidney, lungs. Goji leaves: tonic Yijing, heat eyesight. Wolfberry for people on the commodity wolfberry, plants Ningxia wolfberry, Chinese wolfberry and other wolfberry species collectively.
People's daily consumption and medicinal medlar mostly Ningxia Chinese wolfberry fruit "medlar" fruit (Chinese medicine called medlar), medicinal function and medlar with Ningxia; root bark (traditional Chinese medicine Digupi), antipyretic cough utility.

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