
The Reason of Noise Occurring in Stainless Steel Arc Gear Pump and Its Solution

The reason why the stainless steel arc gear pump noise occurs, mainly due to the pump at work, there is a phenomenon of suction hole and suction, as well as excessive wear parts, tooth shape error and other causes. When these reasons arise, we should take what measures? Xiaobian explain to you. Stainless steel arc gear pump (1) cavitation and suction phenomenon Cavitation and suction phenomenon is caused by stainless steel arc gear pump noise is one of the main reasons in the flow of liquid, due to a point of pressure Below the air separation pressure bubble phenomenon, known as cavitation.After the separation of these air is bound to form a large number of bubbles resulting in the original continuous oil into a discontinuous state, at the same time these bubbles will be with the oil from the gear pump Of the low-pressure chamber into the high-pressure chamber, ruptured rapidly under the pressure of the oil, this process is an instantaneous, will cause local hydraulic impact in the place where the bubbles condense, the pressure and temperature will rise sharply, causing strong vibration and noise In the cavitation phenomenon, often accompanied by howling and cause system pressure fluctuations, resulting in the device sometimes does not work.At this point, if the suction pipe joints and the shaft seal at the oil seal is not good, the inlet pipe is blocked, the fuel tank The liquid level is too low, the viscosity of the oil is too high, it will cause the gear pump suction port at the vacuum is too high, the air infiltration, resulting in suction phenomenon, when these infiltration bubbles into the stainless steel arc gear pump high pressure When will produce cavitation, causing the vibration and noise. At present, the usual measures are: ① According to the actual flow pump gear selection of large diameter suction pipe, pipe layout as reasonable as possible to reduce the local resistance of the pipeline to ensure that stainless steel arc gear pump suction pipe oil flow rate of 2-3 m / s. Check the viscosity of hydraulic oil, the replacement of hydraulic oil is too high and regularly clean the pipeline; ② Check the suction pipe joints at the seal is reliable, shaft seal at the Department of wear, deformation, or replace the seal; ③ large capacity oil absorption Filter, and try to install the lower part of the tank to ensure that the oil filter oil capacity, regular cleaning of the oil filter; ④ regular inspection of the oil surface, add hydraulic oil, the tank surface level higher than the gear pump suction port . (2) excessive wear and tear parts wear Stainless steel arc gear pump during use, due to internal parts wear and tear, excessive clearance, ring damage, etc., will cause large gear pump leakage (high and low pressure chamber connected) caused Pump flow and pressure changes suddenly, resulting in vibration and noise. The solution is: ① Check the gear pump sliding bearing and gear journal with the ask gap is normal, otherwise replace; ② Check the sleeve (or side) and gear with the surface for damage, if found abnormal, according to the specific circumstances to take grinding Gear side, the sleeve end face and the shell end or replacement parts to ensure the best clearance 0.12-0.18mm, reduce the stainless steel arc gear pump leakage, reduce noise. (3) Tooth shape error such as gear surface roughness, tooth error, tooth deformation and other reasons, will cause the gear meshing uneven, causing noise. Commonly used method is: ① For large displacement and high load gear pump, in order to improve the tooth profile accuracy, usually using grinding process, both to correct gear tooth distortion caused by heat treatment deformation, but also can improve the tooth Surface roughness to meet the requirements of meshing accuracy and reduce noise; ② For medium and small displacement gear pump, if not using grinding process, under the premise of not changing the tooth shape, by increasing the precision of gear cutting tools and processing equipment, reduce the tooth Shape error, can reduce the gear pump noise; also can ensure the accuracy of the tooth profile, by changing the gear tooth profile method to obtain good results with low noise gear pump vibration generally taken measures are out of gear pump At the mouth of the accumulator and silencer installed to achieve the effect of reducing noise. Stainless steel arc gear pump speed is too high, there will be resonance. When the pump basic frequency and resonant frequency and mechanical or hydraulic natural frequency The noise will increase greatly.If the oil is improperly selected and the viscosity is too high, the resistance of the hydraulic pump will increase, resulting in noise.The section of pump flow passage suddenly expands and shrinks, Resulting in oil turbulence, vortex and jet, so that noise increases.Other, such as improper assembly of bearings, shaft and auxiliary equipment installation coaxiality too poor will make the noise increase.It should be promptly checked, necessary When replaced. Industrial Internet (Xiamen) Technology Co., Ltd. Asia Pump Network Editor: He Daohui (QQ / WeChat:) http://beng.liuti.cn/ (Service Hotline:)

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