
Using Detergent to Prevent Fruit Diseases and Pests

Detergents have the advantages of good solubility, strong penetrating power, fresh fragrance, non-phosphorus-containing, green and pollution-free, and low price. It can be used in pest control of fruit trees, either as a direct insecticide, or as a synergist with pesticides. It can also be used to trap pests, increase insecticidal effectiveness, reduce input costs, and reduce agricultural pollution. Its use is as follows:

Direct insecticidal detergent 100 to 200 times liquid spray on potted fruit trees, can control aphids, leafhoppers, scale insects and other pests.

Increase insecticidal effect When artificially killing pests such as tea-winged pheasant, green-blind cricket, and pear raccoon, add 4-6 drops of dishwashing liquid to cans filled with water to kill insects more quickly.

The trapping insects mix sugar, vinegar, detergent and water into a 5:10:1:100 proportioning liquid and put it in a small container and hung in an orchard. Each of the lands holds 3 to 5 traps. Drosophila, carnivores, moths and other pests can play a good trapping effect.


Origin Fuji Apple,Fresh Fuji Apple,Red Fuji Apple

Dried Fruit Nuts Co.,Ltd , http://www.chdriedfruits.com

