
Yellow Loach Nulling Key Points

Astragalus and loach are delicious and nutritious, and they are the best in freshwater fish. In recent years, due to artificial overfishing, pesticide poisoning, and environmental pollution, the resources of natural wild yellow earthworms and loach have decreased, and the market is in short supply. Therefore, the development of artificial breeding of yellow sorghum and loach has great prospects. The use of compound feeds to feed yellow locusts and mud locusts grows quickly, nesting in the yellow cricket breeding ponds to raise the loach, and the benefits are high. The techniques are as follows:

1. Build a culture pond

For breeding ponds with yellow trout and mud, we must choose places where they can shelter from the sun, have a quiet environment, and have convenient water sources. Cement ponds and earthen ponds can be used, and cages can also be used in reservoirs, ponds, gutters, and rivers. The area is generally 20-100 square meters, too big to manage. If the cement pond is used to raise yellow peony roots and mud lice, it must be dealt with alkali before putting on the seedlings. If earthworms are used to raise earthworms and mud, the soil is hard and the bottom of the pond must be compacted. The shape of the rearing pond is determined by the topography. The square can be round, and the depth is 0.7 to 1 meter. Whether it is a cement pond or an earth pond, it must be filled with a mud layer at the bottom of the pond and be 30 centimeters thick. The more organic fertilizer is better, and it is good for the yellow locust and loach to dig caves. When constructing the pool, pay attention to installing the fishing nets and the overflow fishing nets in order to prevent the yellow locust and mud lice from fleeing. About 10 days before planting, thoroughly disinfect with lime, and drain the pool water for 3-4 days before releasing the seedlings to inject fresh water.

2, choose a good seedling

The success of breeding yellow trout and loach, seedlings is the key. The seedlings of Astragalus are best cultivated artificially by domesticated dark yellow or large golden spotted nymphs, and can not use variegated seedlings or domesticated seedlings. The size of the seedlings of Scutellaria baicalensis should be 50-80 per kilogram, which is too small for poor feeding power, and the survival rate is also low. The stocking density is generally 1 to 1.5 kg per square meter. After 20 days of stocking, the Astragalus membranaceus will be placed at the ratio of 1:10 to the loach seedlings. Loach seedlings are best grown artificially.

3, feeding compound feed

Firstly, the feed stand is installed, and the feed stand is made of wood or plastic board. The area is set according to the size of the pool and is 5 cm below the water surface. The first 3 days after the release of Astragalus seedlings, do not feed, let the Astragalus fit the environment, and start feeding on the 4th day. It is best to feed the feed at around 7:00 pm every day. At this time, the feed intake of Scutellaria baicalensis is the highest. Artificially reared jaundice to feed the main feed, appropriate feeding of some oysters, river snails, yellow mealworms and so on. Artificially domesticated yellow quail, compound feed and earthworms are their favorite feeds. Formulated feeds can also be self-aligned, formulated as: fishmeal 21%, cakes 19%, energy feed 37%, alfalfa 12%, minerals 1%, yeast 5%, multivitamins 2%, binder 3%. The artificially cultivated dark yellow giant cantharidin seedlings were fed with compound feed and fed in a dose of 3-5% of the weight of the astragalus root, fed 1-2 times per day. The principle of timing and ration was used to feed 20 grams of astragalus roots. The seedlings can grow to 200-300 grams a year, which has a high breeding efficiency. Mudworms mainly feed on the excrement of jaundice and the uneaten scutellaria feed in ponds. Loach naturally breeds quickly. When the proportion of muddy ponds is greater than 1:10, the bran can be fed once a day.

4, feeding and management

The growing season is from April to November, and the peak season is from May to September. During this period, the management must be “difficult” and “fine”, that is, diligent patrol pool and ground management, and find that the problem is solved quickly. Observe carefully the growth status of the jaundice and mud in the pond so that appropriate measures can be taken in time. The habit of jaundice and loach is nocturnal. Keep the pool water fresh, the pH is between 6.5-7.5, and the water level is appropriate.

5, prevent diseases

Once the onset of jaundice, the treatment effect is often unsatisfactory. Must be disease-free, disease-prevented, and prevention-focused. Can not rely on the saying that "Huang Biao is not sick". Always spill the entire pool with 1-2 concentration bleach. Raising the loach in the astragalus culture pond can also reduce the jaundice disease. Because the loach is in the culture pond, it is like to move up and down, and also eat the debris in the water body, which can play a role in purifying water and increasing oxygen.

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