
I can't eat 14 kinds of food with a cold

The weather is getting colder and colder. It has reached the coldest time of the year. Little attention has been paid to catch colds, especially coughing. Some people have a cough for a few days or even a few weeks. If they eat badly or do not sleep well, they are extremely uncomfortable. . Cold cough is not to say that cough medicine is OK, but also pay attention to keep warm, diet should pay attention to, and some foods make cough more difficult to cure. If you want to cough fast enough, you must be taboo. The following foods must not be touched during colds and coughs. What specific colds can you eat? The following Xiao Bian introduces you to the 14 kinds of food that can not be eaten with cold!

What can I not eat for a cold?

1, honey

During the fever, fever should be the main cause and should not be tonic. Honey is a tonic supplement for supplementing Qi. If you take more honey, the internal heat of the patient will not be well cleaned up and eliminated, and other conditions may be easily complicated.

If you are taking anti-fever medicines or cold medicines containing anti-fever ingredients, you should not take honey at the same time. Many cold medicines, such as Tylenol, crack, fluocin, cold, etc., contain antipyretic analgesic acetaminophen. When it encounters honey, it forms a complex that affects the body's absorption rate. Reduce fever.


2, crude fiber food

During the cold, people's stomach power is weak, so this period of time should also avoid eating celery, leeks, garland chrysanthemum and other crude fiber foods, or increase the burden on the stomach.

3, coffee

Drinking coffee while catching a cold can be fatal. Common cold medications contain phenylpropanolamine. If taken together with high-dose caffeine products, blood pressure may rise and may be fatal. Citizens are also not allowed to use coffee or tea to give medicines. Consult a pharmacist before using the medicine.

4, duck mutton

Because the cold is an exogenous disease, treatment should be based on evacuation. The duck's nature is cool, it is greedy and stagnant, and it is easy to get rid of stomach and intestinal evils. The pork is fatty, it helps the wet oysters, and the moving wind contains moisture. The mutton is warm and warm, but it is warm and warm, and there is a lot of evil. Cons.

5, cold food

The throat is sensitive during colds and coughs, and cold foods can easily irritate the throat, making the cold painful. When you are sick, you need to avoid all cold foods, especially cold drinks. This kind of food on the one hand increases the condition of the throat, on the other hand, its health and safety are often worrying. If the disease is caused by infectious diseases such as bacterial dysentery caused by unclean foods, digestive function will decline. Drinking cold drinks at this time will not only worsen the condition, but also lead to serious deterioration of the disease and even life in crisis.

Do not eat cold ice cream after eating a cold. The function of various organs of the body after a cold is falling. Eating ice cream with cold drinks will cause the function of digestive organs such as stomach and intestines to decline, affecting the absorption function of food, and thus aggravate the condition.

6, sweets

Melon foods such as cakes, glutinous rice cakes and other desserts, as well as fried chicken, fried duck, roast duck, bacon, bacon and other barbecue frying foods can hinder the normal operation of the spleen and stomach, so that the dampness corresponding breeding, cough, sputum symptoms Difficult to eliminate, the onset period should be fasting.

7, spicy food

Such as hot pepper, Chili sauce, dog meat, Lang pepper powder, mustard and other hot and spicy food is easy to hurt the gas burning Jin, help fire oysters, so that the quail is not easy to cough. Fire inflammation, so that headaches, nasal congestion symptoms worse. In particular, patients with wind-heat type cold should be taboo spicy food.

8, eggs

Eggs contain abundant nutrients, but it is not appropriate to eat more eggs during fever. This is because the proteins in the eggs will produce certain extra calories after the body decomposes. This will increase body calories, exacerbate the symptoms of fever, and prolong the duration of fever. The patient is in pain.


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