
Lamb Diarrhea Prevention and Control Measures

1, to strengthen the feeding and management of pregnant ewes, in particular, to strengthen the feeding and management of ewes during the late pregnancy, to reserve a sufficient degree of overwintering spring forage, nutrients to the full price, so that pregnant ewes glutinous body, milk, water production The lamb is physically strong.

2. In order to make the lamb eat colostrum in time, 2 days after birth, the mother and child should be kept in separate stocks to breastfeed regularly to prevent inequality and cause indigestion. Lamb feeding as soon as possible, supplement rich in protein, mineral feed.

3. Maintain hygiene, heat preservation, drying and ventilation of lambs' sheds.

(1) Cut off the breast hair 15 days before lambing, remove the old sheep feces, brush the walls, playground, ground and feces with 20% lime milk and thoroughly disinfect once. During the lambing period, one shed is cleaned every morning and evening.

(2) The goat manure is dried (ultraviolet disinfection) and accumulated (biological disinfection) in summer. Lamb washers, change the new bedding once a week.

(3) The temperature of the lambing ring is maintained between 5 and 10°C. The lambs are to be repaired before lambing to prevent thunderstorms from entering. Promote plastic greenhouses production circle.

(4) Lambs have a small initial body size and poor disease resistance. They must be observed, observed early, and treated early. The sooner the treatment is, the higher the cure rate is.

4, drug treatment

Lamb diarrhea is treated with antibiotics is an important part. But the more important thing is to supplement the liquid, adjust the body's acid-base balance and prevent acidosis. The drugs used were mainly oral rehydration salts; the lambs with lighter diarrhea were taken orally at 50 to 100 ml in the afternoon; at the same time, they were fed with 1 unit/kg of body weight of the enemy bacteria, and the first dose was doubled. This method is simple and easy, and the grazing can be operated. For the severely dehydrated, mentally depressed lamb as soon as possible intravenous fluid (9 # scalp needle), 5% glucose saline (water bath warmed to 35 ~ 39 °C), 100 ~ 150 ml, slowly input. When acidosis add 5% sodium bicarbonate 3 to 5 ml, vitamin C 5 ml, vitamin B 12 ml, 1 in the afternoon and 1 in the afternoon, if necessary, lose 2 times in the 2nd day. At the same time with antibiotic treatment, you can get satisfactory effect.

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