
The first pesticide residue degradation product came out in Beijing

The reporter learned from the relevant departments of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences that at present, the domestic “nutrition-free pesticides” organic companion, the first series of technology products used for the degradation of pesticide residues, has recently been declared a national patent and has been registered by the industrial and commercial sector.

Experts believe that the birth of this series of technical products will play a positive role in solving the problem of high pesticide residues in agricultural production and improving the quality and safety of agricultural products.

With the improvement of people's living standards, food safety issues are getting more and more attention from the society. However, in actual life, due to the irrational structure of pesticide products and the use of technologies, the pesticide residues in agricultural products in China are serious. Highly toxic species that have been restricted or banned in many countries, such as methamidophos, parathion, and monocrotophos, are still widely used in China.

At the same time, due to the lack of knowledge about the rational use of pesticides, coupled with the drive of economic interests, some farmers have experienced excessive use of over-range, over-dose, and frequency-abusing pesticides, and food poisoning accidents caused by pesticide residues have also occurred frequently.

In order to solve the safety problems in the production of agricultural products, Beijing Zhongnong Fidelity High-tech Development Co., Ltd. has successfully developed a series of “zero agricultural residue” organic companion products. It is understood that the use of this product can quickly and effectively degrade pesticide residues and heavy metals in the leaves, fruits, roots and stems of plants, and the cost is low. On average, more than ten yuan per mu can make the product residue reach the national quality and safety standards, effectively guarantee Agricultural product quality and consumer safety.

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