
Pump installation

First, the installation of the pump 1, according to the pre-installed work (1) Inspect the crown pump and motor to ensure that no damage during transport and handling.
(2) Check the tools and lifting machinery, and check the foundation of the machine.
2, Paul crown pump according to the order of loading (1) the entire set of crown water pump arrived at the scene, have installed a good motor; leveling base, you do not have to remove the pump and motor.
(2) According to the installation of the basic level of the pump level leveling, to be based on the foundation cement after the pump installed on the basis of the level and check the level of the situation, such as uneven, the use of horns to adjust until the level so far, and then through the grouting hole from Concrete watering base and anchor bolt hole.
(3) After the cement is dry solid, check whether the base and anchor bolts are loose, then tighten the nuts of the anchor bolts when appropriate, and finally check the level of the entire unit. If there is a slight unevenness, it can be leveled.
(4) The pump suction pipe and discharge pipe should have their own bracket, not allowed to pipe weight directly by the pump.
(5) Pump shaft and motor rotation direction should be the same, otherwise, to three-phase asynchronous motor as the power, as long as any two of the three leads in place for the connection.
(6) When the pump is installed above the liquid level (within the pump suction allowance), a foot valve should be fitted to the end of the suction line and a filling hole or valve should be provided in the drain line for pre-start Irrigation with the use. When the pump is installed below the liquid level, install the control valve on the suction line.
(7) The height of the pump must be installed in accordance with the NPSHr NPSHr requirements to avoid cavitation.
3, protect the crown pump removal (1) Unscrew the drain plug on the suspension body, put a net of lubricating oil, remove the motor.
(2) Loosen the connecting bolt of the pump body and the bearing body, and separate the impeller, shaft sealing body and bearing body from the pump body.
(3) Loosen the impeller nut, remove the impeller and flat key.
(4) Remove the shaft sealing body and sealing part, take out the static ring of the mechanical seal, and remove the filler cap by packing and sealing, then remove the packing.
(5) Remove the rotating part of the mechanical seal and the sleeve from the shaft, and remove the sleeve of the packing seal.
(6) Remove the bracket and coupling of bearing body.
(7) Remove the bearing gland, water ring rubber, pump shaft and bearings.
4, Paul crown pump assembly 4.1, the pump assembly sequence can basically follow the reverse order of disassembly. When installed by mechanical seal should pay attention to several points:
(1) Rubber O-ring is damaged, swelling, if any, must be replaced.
(2) moving, static ring surface to maintain absolute clean and painted a small amount of oil.
4.2, packing seal should be noted when loaded:
(1) Sleeve cylindrical runout is not greater than 0.05mm.
(2) After the filler interception, take the mouth into 45, and according to the shaft before the installation, the size of the filler in a special mold top pressure plastic.
(3) packing into the filler cavity, lap each lap packing overlap staggered, before driving the gland should be loosened, gradually compressed after turning.
Second, the pump maintenance and repair (1) check the pump and the pipe and the joints are loose. Turn the pump by hand to see if the pump is flexible.
(2) Add bearing lubricating oil to the bearing body, observe the oil level should be at the center line of the oil standard, lubricating oil should be replaced or replenished promptly.
(3) Unscrew the water diversion plug of the pump body and pour water (or slurry).
(4) close the outlet valve and outlet pressure gauges and import vacuum gauge.
(5) Move the motor to see if the motor is steered correctly.
(6) start the motor, when the pump is running, open the outlet pressure gauge and inlet vacuum pump, depending on the appropriate pressure showed, gradually open the gate valve, while checking the motor load conditions.
(7) try to control the flow of the pump and head within the range indicated on the sign to ensure that the pump at maximum efficiency point of operation, in order to get the maximum energy-saving effect.
(8) During the operation of the pump, the bearing temperature can not exceed the ambient temperature 35C, the maximum temperature must not exceed 80C.
(9) If the pump is found abnormal sound should stop immediately check the reasons.
(10) To stop using the pump, first close the gate valve and pressure gauge and then stop the motor.
(11) pump in the first month of work, after 100 hours to replace the oil, after every 500 hours, oil change time.
(12) Often adjust the packing gland to ensure normal drip leakage in the packing room.
(13) Regular inspection of the sleeve wear, wear and tear should be promptly replaced.
(14) pump in winter season, after parking, you need to unscrew the lower part of the drain plug to drain the media to the net. Prevent cracking.
(15) long-term deactivation of the pump, the pump should be disassembled all, dry the water, the rotating parts and joints coated with grease installed, properly preserved.
Third, the pump may occur and the solution to the problem Causes of the solution to pump no liquid
1, no perfusion liquid?
1, re-irrigation pump
2, suction pipe, outlet pipe or pump flow blockage?
2, to eliminate debris
3, the suction pipe or pump does not exclude the net gas?
3, check the suction line side by side net gas
4, suction height exceeds the allowable range?
4, according to allow the suction height of the pump again
5, out of the pipeline too thin, the pipeline loss is too large?
5, for the appropriate pressure pipe
6, the use of lift more than the design lift?
6, re-select the pump
7, delivery of hot, volatile medium?
7, reduce the suction or use reloading installed
8, turned to the opposite?
8, correct turn

Pump flow is not enough
1, the end of the valve is too small?
1, for the right pump valve at the end of Gaoquan
2, the depth of the suction tube is not enough, air suction pump?
2, increase the depth of suction tube immersion
3, the suction pipe is too thin or blocked by debris?
3, change the appropriate pipeline, remove debris
4, impeller serious wear or serious corrosion?
4, for the new impeller
5, seal ring serious wear or corrosion?
5, for a new seal ring
6, semi-open impeller and pump cover clearance is too large?
6, reduce the gap
7, reduce speed too much?
7, check the current, speed recovery

Pump head is not enough
1, impeller corrosion serious?
1, for the new impeller
2, pump performance can not meet the design requirements?
2, to meet the design requirements of the high-pump
3, lack of speed?
3, check the current, speed recovery
4, semi-open impeller and pump cover clearance is too large?
4, reduce the gap

Serious pump vibration
1, pump and motor shaft is not the same?
1, adjust, align the pump and motor shaft
2, the pump shaft bending?
2, remove the straightening or renewal
3, impeller imbalance?
3, remove and find balance

Pump bearing overheating
1, lubricating oil (fat) is not enough or not?
1, plus lubricating oil (fat) to the required standard
2, pump and motor shaft is not the same?
2, adjust, align the pump and motor shaft
3, bearing damage?
3, new high-pump bearings

Severe mechanical seal leak
1, the lack of spring pressure?
1, readjust the amount of spring compression or change the spring
2, change or static ring end corrosion, wear or scratch?
2, repair or replace the bad ring static ring
3, loose screws, the spring loses effect?
3, tighten the screws or readjust the spring
4, moving ring seal assembly ramp or corrosion deformation?
4, reinstall or replace Paul crown ring with moving ring
5, static assembly skew?
5, reinstall Paul crown pump with static ring
6, sleeve machining accuracy and finish is not enough, affecting the axial movement of the moving ring?
6, for the machining accuracy of the sleeve
7, Impurities, foreign matter or medium crystallization affect the axial movement of the moving ring or support in the dynamic and static end of the ring?
7, eliminate impurities, foreign matter and crystallization, thoroughly clean the sealing element

Packing seal leak serious
1, packing pressure is too loose?
1, tight packing gland to an appropriate level
2, packing device is not good?
2, adjust the filler take the mouth, so that a certain angle is not in one direction
3, different filler sizes or serious wear and tear?
3, replace the uniform type of security crown packing
4, the poor quality of the seal tightness?
4, replace the asbestos packing to meet the requirements
5, bush wear too much?
5, replace the sleeve

Pump motor overheated
1, the use of the scope (flow, head) than the pump design requirements?
1, select the appropriate type of motor spectrum
2, the proportion of more than the pump motor configuration motor?
2, configure the appropriate Paul crown pump motor
3, packing gland pressure is too tight or mechanical seal spring is too tight?
3, re-adjust the gland or mechanical seal spring compression
4, the pump assembly quality is poor, there is friction or motor and pump shaft is not the same?
4, check the assembly quality, troubleshooting of the assembly

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Lpg Storage Tank

Lpg Storage Tank,Storage Tanker,Lpg Bullet Tank

Concrete Mixer Truck Co., Ltd. , http://www.cnmixertruck.com

