
Tomato green peel control measures

Tomatoes are a kind of rot and fruit, and when tomatoes reach the end of the result, they encounter bad weather (low temperature, weak light), or unreasonable fertilization (partial application of nitrogen fertilizer), it is easy to cause blue peel. The following measures can be taken to prevent:

The first is to increase organic fertilizer and use formula fertilization technology. It is not appropriate to use more ammonium fertilizer to adjust the proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in the soil and promote the absorption and utilization of potassium by the plants. This is the most important measure to prevent tomato green peel. The second is to prolong the time for seeing vegetables. When the fruit enters the color-changing period, the lower leaves and nearby leaves of the color-changing ear should be removed, and the increase of light can reduce the occurrence of blue peel. The third is to strengthen the roots and enhance plant resistance. The foliar uses foliar fertilizers containing various elements (boron, calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc), of which the amino acid type is appropriate, which promotes black-green leaves, enhances photosynthesis, and increases the absorption of boron and calcium. Green peel, cracked fruit and so on. The fourth is to strictly control the temperature, the daytime temperature should be controlled at 25 °C ~ 30 °C, the night temperature is maintained at 14 °C ~ 16 °C, the temperature difference between day and night should not exceed 15 °C. The fifth is to balance the number of fruit plants, can not be too much fruit set or fruit fruit knot too low. Sixth, the control point flower hormone concentration can not be too high, with anthers should be timely to add fertilizer. Seventh, it is possible to spray high-potassium foliar fertilizers, chitin, etc. to alleviate the symptoms in the greenhouses where the green peels have already occurred.

Pine Nut Kernel

Pine nuts (also called pignoli) are the edible seeds of pines (family Pinaceae, genus Pinus). About 20 species of pine produce seeds large enough to be worth harvesting; in other pines the seeds are also edible, but are too small to be of notable value as human food. Our Chinese pine nuts grow in Heilongjiang and Jilin province of China. The mainly varieties are pure red pine nut kernel and cedar pine nut kernel. Pine nuts have been eaten in USA, Europe, Asia and many other countries. They are frequently added to meat, fish, salads and vegetable dishes or baked into bread.

Pine Nut Kernel

Pine Nut Kernel

Dry Fruit Pine Nut Kernel,Pine Nut Pure Red,Wholesale Pine Nut Kernel,Raw Pine Nut Kernel

Ningxia Shun Yuan Tang Herbal Biotech Co., Ltd. , https://www.nxshunyuantang.com

